Monday, April 12, 2010

Children's enjoying their after school activities in the Siyaphambili organization.

The children's at Siyaphambili Orphan Village  they were enjoying and lesterning to the novel book called "Amathafa Entandabuzo". The readers of the book were Paul (facilitator) and the co founder of the organization Ndileka Xameni. They both read the book and ask questions to the childrens to check them that they were lesterning.

The childrens they showed that they were more than interested because the way the were lesterning was amazed like before. One of the childrens Mpumezo were translating to the two Estonian women, whom recently just joined the organization and will be here for 9 months.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Siyaphambili meaning "Moving Forward' is the only NGO in Langa township Cape Town,  that is the home for  orphans that strives to restore the children's dignity and security by providing a home for them; a home that gives them hope, care, security, protection and comfort.

Siyaphambili Ophan Village protects the rights of the children through providing emotional, physical, health and psychological support.
                     ABOUT THE FOUNDER

The organization started with Ms. Xameni seeing the need for HIV/AIDS orphans to be cared and loved. She started off by taking needy children into her own home and offering them love and security as well as dressing their practical needs.

 Ms. Xameni is running this organizationcin in her home, where 25 oprhans are living and being care for. She is monitoring and caring for 180 childrens in the community and 15 child headed families giving them support, counselling, advice and financial assistance.